Your sight
In caring hands


Uveitis specialist and member of the "Sociedad Española de Inflamación Ocular" (Ocular inflammation Spanish Society)


The key is choosing the best surgical approach and lens for each eye

Medical retina

Macular degenerations, diabetes, vein occlusions,...

I started working in Girona back in 2014, where I settled down and worked in several hospitals. Currently I am the head of the eye care department at the Parc Sanitari Martí i Julià (also known as Hospital Santa Caterina).

As a cataract specialist, with hundreds of surgeries performed at Clínica Girona,I bring new approaches to the surgical procedure and look for the best lens for each eye.


On the other hand, I am one of the two uveitis specialist in the entire Girona province. I regularly join meetings, lecturing on the latest treatments and advanced diagnoses.


The retina team at the Institut oftalmològic de la Clínica Girona is the result of the joint efforts of: Dr. M. A. Zapata, Dra. C. Huguet, Dra. S. Ayats and myself. Altogether we represent the best retina team available in the province.
In order to improve my cataracts and uveitis specialization, I had to detach myself from surgical retina procedures. Therefore, I can focus myself into providing the best results when it comes to the other fields.

Cataracts - let's run some numbers






Surgical complications


I attend patients at Girona, Banyoles and Olot, with different timetables, so as to provide the best possible service. However, the main center is placed in Girona, where we have most of the resources and the surgical rooms.

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